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There is actually been a big debate over html 5 for apps that installed in your phone, what are the best application for both.

Fundamental html 5 is that you can deliver an apps experience on a mobile web and you don't have to download it on your phone. There is a couple different schools of thought, but in my opinion there is 5 reasons that you might want to use in HTML 5 app instead of a native app.

First is you can deploy immidiately. Once you code up a html 5 website, you don't have to submit it to the app store, you don't have to wait for apps approve it, which could be months and you could get it tonight.
So really great plus that you can actually create it and deply it immidiatey. Some more really, you make an html 5 web app it works across apple, android, windows 7, blackberry so you don't have to design and develop a multiple in  different apps. and top of that number three is, searchable. Once you put an app into the apple store, it's great somebody is in itunes looking that apps, but if you search in google.
For your bussiness, your brand , they won't find your app, where is you have a html 5 more web app, it is actually indexable and searchable for SEO.

Number 4 is open standard, it's really easy to use, you don't have to learn a different way to develope, across different platforms and it goes back to the idea that's why you can deploy immediately across different platforms.

And 5, it's friendly to content, so there is still gonna be a great reason to get a native app like games almost always look better natively but if you're making content and taking event for all of these less 4 I talked about, it's great way to make sure that it's always update, you need to push update and it always appears as fresh content so people can find you on google so on and so forth.

But HTML 5 is it's ready to set, prime time right know so I would deffiniately consider it for your bussiness and your brand.

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